I am a certified Transformational Life Coach with a passion for helping others get unstuck in the messy places of life. I believe coaching is the perfect venue for this so I am currently working on my certification as a Christian Life Coach.
After experiencing many broken relationships in my life I delved into improving communication. The result was that most have been reconciled through faith and perseverance. With healthy communication plus lots of love and faith many relationships can be restored to an even better place than before.
Having co-led a marriage course with my husband, organized two marriage retreats. and often pray with couples in their struggles, I am well-qualified to coach individuals with marriage issues. In many cases, couples have found renewal!
I have 30 plus years experience in education with children and adults. I taught in public school and trained professionals in a broad range of computer topics and soft skills.
I created and presented a workshop called Crucial Conversations for my previous employer for the purpose of improving communication. It was effective in helping staff deal with a major crisis at the hospital where I was employed.
"My wife and I were coached by Gail and her husband when we had a difficult time in our marriage. It greatly changed the way we look at each other. Gail's guidance and prayers gave us strength from Jesus to change ourselves. Now our marriage has been restored and we are enjoying the joy and intimacy from marriage that was created by God. Thank you God for sending Gail into our lives. We really appreciate your help, Gail!"
Alex Wang-Index Analyst
Emma Wang, Ph.D. Marketing
"When I met with Gail she was very intuitive and listened well. She showed concerns for the dilemma in my life and offered guidance and suggestions on how I can make improvements. I strongly recommend Gail as a life coach."
Lucy Marchese
"Gail was gentle, understanding, and insightful in the coaching session. As I struggled with my faith, I was skillfully led to present myself--my hard questions, emotions and thoughts, to Jesus. I thank God for the session, and thank you too, Gail!"
Hua Ou, Counselor, LMHC, MA, MS
"Gail draws from a deep well of effective coaching experience to refresh and empower wives and husbands. She emphasizes communication to encourage our spouse and carefully choose our words. Gail covers each coaching session with compassion and prayer, stirring couples towards their purposes in Christ." Sara Jorgensen, Program Director, MS in Education
"I really appreciated Gail for taking time to listen to me, asking many good questions and offering me really nice suggestions! Now, I am definitely energized and motivated to stay loving to my son in a way that can speak to his heart, for that is still something I can do."